
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
#52 - What are you doing that will change your results?
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Today in The Leadership Woman podcast, I am back to my theme of personal growth and give a quick outline of what I am doing at the moment. Curiously, I forgot to mention my daily Positive Intelligence (PQ) practice which tries to reduce my saboteurs. The rest is here though.
I mention the two weekly leadership groups; the Influencers and Aspiring Leaders, who make what I do all worth while.
What are you doing that will change your life for the better? Have you set the intention? To quote the ever quotable John C. Maxwell:
"Change is inevitable, growth is optional"

Monday Jan 31, 2022
#51 - Don’t be afraid! - with Evguenia Jeitz
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
A fascinating podcast in which I had my preconceived notion of Siberia challenged:-)
Listen to Evguenia Jeitz as she explains how an exchange programme, fully funded by George Soros some years ago, took her to the USA for a year. Far from being a waste of a year which would delay her career, it was the springboard to her moving on into Europe; Paris first and now Luxembourg.
If you need inspiration to change direction and follow your interests, this is the podcast for you.

Sunday Jan 23, 2022
#50 - 4 things that held me back as an employee - Jill Saville
Sunday Jan 23, 2022
Sunday Jan 23, 2022
As this is the 50th episode, I thought no one would mind if I hogged it and talked about 4 things I learned when I was an employee.
1 Promotion is the only way to develop
2 You don't have a right to a career
3 Leaders come in all shapes and sizes
4 You need to be INTENTIONAL to get different results
I will begin a new Mastermind Group on the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth in February. One hour a week for 5 weeks on Saturday. There are people signed up from Iceland to India (a real stretch of timezones). Let's have a chat if you want to know more or send me a message.

Monday Jan 17, 2022
#49 - Take time to discover who you are! - With Fabiana Mariano Green
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
What a way to begin the New Year. Let's all expect 2022 to be our best year yet!
And to get us in the right frame of mind, here is my great friend, Fabiana Mariano Green, talking about her life that began in Brazil, took her to many other countries and now happily settled in Geneva, Switzerland.
Hear how a career path can not only go sideways, there are times you have to take a step back to get realigned with who you are.
If you want to know more about her, here is her website https://www.leadinlife.com/company/

Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
We have come to the end of the year for guests and what a note to finish on!
I had the privilege of meeting this young man soon after his arrival in Luxembourg. He asked if he could join a Mastermind group I had advertised on Meetup as he wanted to learn to be a leader. Although he struggled with the language, he showed up every week, determined to learn.
He had decided not to be a refugee who complained, he wanted to integrate into the country that accepted him. He began to advocate for other refugees and began an association that reached out to other nationalities of refugees. The association also gained money from Mateneen and they trained 400 refugees in the importance of having a calm mind.
Listen to his promise to his girlfriend when he had to flee. Worthy of a line in 'Last of the Mohicans!'

Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
#47 - Joy Bonsu Schmutz - Re-writing the narrative of Africa.
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
We have reached almost one year of The Leadership Woman podcast and I have loved every interview.
Listen to Episode 47 with an inspirational young leader, Joy Bonsu Schmutz, who asks herself what are the problems that she can bring solutions to. And at the same time, how does she make those solutions sustainable in a human way? She uses technology to scour the internet to pre-empt possible human trafficking, for example.
One thing she said stayed with me. If we don't end treating women as a commodity to be sold, a generation of children like hers may grow up with the wrong perspective of women. That is not the way to be sustainable.
Listen to how she takes various ideas and 'just starts!'
Traffik Alert www.traffikalert.com

Monday Nov 22, 2021
#46 -DARREN ROBINSON - Life‘s too short to be unhappy at work!
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Latest episode of The Leadership Woman podcast with Darren Robinson and it is easy to see why he is in the top 100 expats in Luxembourg!
He takes us from his fun childhood in Leamington Spa to his career shock in 2018 which pushed him to set up Anderson Wise. He credits his success to the people around him and is honest about his change of heart over remote working since the pandemic forced change onto us all.
We had fun recording it as you will hear from the outtakes :-))

Monday Nov 15, 2021
#45 - Anxhela Bruci - From refugee to the founder of EMPOWERFULL
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Latest Episode of The Leadership Woman Podcast!
I was curious to know what inspired this well-educated young woman to return to her native Albania and do her best to make a difference.
Listen as she describes her family's journey across mountains to Greece when she was 4 years old after traffickers who they trusted stole their papers. We often find it hard to put ourselves in the shoes of people who lost everything and stories like this matter.
Anxhela used her experience to go back to her native Albania and see what good she could do, rather than follow the path she was on.
Inspiring woman.

Monday Nov 08, 2021
#44 - Neil Cocker - The benefit of a messy CV!
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
What a treat for the latest episode of The Leadership Woman podcast!
If you have a soft spot for a Scottish accent it is an added bonus. Neil Cocker of Vodafone and Tomorrow Street talks about his early life in a castle (I kid you not), which ignited his imagination. He mentions various roles which created his 'messy CV' and how he fits his novel writing into the hectic world of innovation.
Have a listen!

Monday Nov 01, 2021
#43 -Developing skills over time
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Welcome to The Leadership Woman podcast!
Episode 43 was inspired by a workshop I gave for #Empowerfull on Saturday - a non profit in Albania working to benefit women and girls, founded by the inspirational @Anxhela Bruci.
I paused to reflect on some of the skills I have developed over the years that enabled me to give the session. As you listen, think of the different parts of your life and what you learned.
What did you bring with you on your journey that was the most useful?
How did you add skills together to create something different that you originally didn't know you could do?